2024 - IRELAND or UK




Manon is 14 years old

Date of birth: 26/06/2009

She lives in Plélan-Le-Grand 

Hobbies: Modern Jazz Dance, Saxophone, Guitar

Availability to go to the other country : August

Availability to receive in France: July  

Length of stay 2/3 weeks or more




Titouan is 16 years old

Date of birth: 29/10/2007

He lives in Bruz (near Rennes)

He plays indoor sport. He plays rugby
He likes the cinema and video games

Availability to go to the other country : July

Availability to receive in France: August

Length of stay weeks 




Gabin is 16 years old

Date of birth: 5/12/2007

He lives in Nostang 

Hobbies: Surfing, football, running


He is very interested in world news

Availability to go to the other country : July/August

Availability to receive in France: July/August

Length of stay weeks 




Melina is 16 years old

Date of birth: 11/12/2007

She lives in Languidic 

Hobbies: Horse riding, reading, archery, skiing, cooking, baking,

weight training, cycling, music, TV series, films, board games

Availability to go to the other country : July/August

Availability to receive in France: July/August

Length of stay weeks or more